Tall Trees

Private Dwelling:
Products Used:

Tall Trees
Brick Slip Feature Lintels
Stephen Langer Associates Ltd
Ascent Building Ltd

Tall Trees is a residential development in Kent. The complexity of the brick detailing within the architect’s plans presented a significant challenge. The project specified a range of brick features over a variety of opening shapes and sizes. One of the most striking features is a unique arch over the front porch with brick on three sides.


The variety of shapes and sizes of the brick features required provided a challenge. If constructed onsite, the intricate brickwork at Tall Trees would have been extremely labour intensive using traditional methods. The level of detail would have required skilled specialist labour onsite and working at heights. Onsite traditional methods can also be subject to delays due to adverse weather conditions.


Keystone’s technical department specified a number of pre-fabricated Brick Feature Arches and Lintels to varied specifications, incorporating specially manufactured brick mullions, heads and Bullseye
Brick Feature Lintels. The porch entrance required a Brick Feature Arch with brick on three sides. All of the brick slip products were manufactured in our factory controlled environment. Brick was collected from site and each brick was crafted ensuring the decorative brick features captured the architect’s vision. The offsite manufacture of these bespoke solutions ensured optimum conditions for the bonding process and offered a level of quality and detail which would be much more difficult to achieve if produced onsite.
