Coptic Cathedral

Project: Solihull, England
Products used: Full Arch Lintels
Contractor: SSF Construction

The Project

Eight full arch lintels from Keystone Lintels have become a distinctive and dramatic architectural feature of the striking new Coptic cathedral in Solihull.

Designed by Michael Edwards Associates and built by SSF Construction, the St Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Cathedral replaces the sixties-built St Ninians United Reform Church.  The design of the building is in the classic form of a cross with a tower at one end. With the cross highly symbolic, the architects had to strike the right balance between ecclesiastical and contemporary styles without compromising the structural integrity.  As part of this, eight full arch lintels incorporated a stone clad element to dramatic effect on all four of the cathedral’s elevations.

To meet their requirements, Keystone’s technical team worked closely with SSF Construction and developed a one-piece lintel design solution by taking into consideration loading conditions and stone cladding detailing above window openings for each application. Fabricated off-site with exemplary craftmanship, Keystone’s dedicated technical team ensured each bespoke lintel was manufactured to the size, shape and aesthetic requirements within the project build schedule.

Keystone is the largest supplier of steel lintels in the UK and Ireland and carries more stock than any of its rivals. For bespoke applications, architects, housebuilders and contractors can specify special lintel requirements by utilising Keystone’s free lintel design service.

With works now complete, Keystone’s full arch lintels are a welcoming and intrinsic design feature on this impressive new cathedral. In keeping with the Coptic Orthodox tradition, the St Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Cathedral is now open to worshippers,



“This cathedral project required some imposing yet impressive grand arch windows, with the technical team at Keystone able to deliver lintels to varied specifications. They provided us with eight full arch lintels that met the unique vision of the architect, and ensured the build schedule remained on track.”

Jaspal Singh Bhurji, SSF Construction 


Photo credits:  A J Paxton

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