This week is National Apprenticeship Week 2023 (NAW2023). We are spreading the word about the benefits of a career as an apprentice at Keystone Lintels. Our Apprentices speak highly of the opportunities they have within the construction industry. Read below what our Technical Engineer Apprentices have to say about their experience.

The benefits of an apprentice…
“Being able to study whilst working as an engineer puts you steps ahead of degree full timers. It helps build confidence as you are working professionally. Employers will see you as experienced and it puts you in a better position for when you are looking for new job opportunities.”
A day in the life…
“My days consist of a wide range of tasks. These include specifying lintels using load calculations, creating custom lintels using CAD software, attending design team meetings for larger high-rise projects and much more. I enjoy my apprenticeship because I get great exposure to the on goings in the construction industry. I am also progressing towards a professional qualification. Since beginning my apprenticeship, I’ve had the chance to take on new challenges. Becoming a product champion has helped me develop key industry skills.”
Civil Engineer Apprentice…
“Working as a Civil Engineer whilst simultaneously working towards my degree, has enabled me to gain valuable real-life experience of the theory I learn in the classroom. Not only does this benefit my experience in the workplace, but it also means that it is easier to understand the theory as I’m around it day in day out and I’m surrounded by a team of engineers that are highly experienced within this field. This experience is something that is impossible to gain if I was just studying full time at university, and I believe it will give me the best possible start in my future career as I get to fully understand the industry and the people within it.”
This National Apprenticeship Week we are also acknowledging our association with Lyons & Annoot Ltd ‘Mentor Me’ program. The program provides training above and beyond traditional, and a partnership which benefits every apprentice in having major manufacturers Mentors as they start out in their careers. Visit their LinkedIn profile to stay up to date with the apprentices progress and success:
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